Crusaders Seal

Crusaders Seal
List: Cleric
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Cleric, Holy Blessing
Skill Type: Faith
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: Special

This skill allows the character to make any blessing skill they know have a duration of Latent until the end of the current Tag Cycle. Once the blessing is invoked by the target character, the normal blessing duration applies. This skill can only be used on a blessing the character lays on the target character and cannot be used on a blessing cast by another character. The seal must be used within 30 seconds of casting the blessing or it does not work and the skill is not used. One Crusader’s Seal is needed per blessing and a character may only have one of each type of blessing on them at a time.

This skill requires the use of the character’s focus and an additional verbal, which must be at least 5 syllables, not including the skill’s name, and must contain some reasonably recognizable version of the name of the skill.

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